A Sample (Off Day From Training) of Nell’s Diet

And here's part II, continuing along from yesterday's post; a typical day of #The Paleo Diet meals on a day when I'm not training: 

Breakfast at 7AM

Hard-boiled egg whites, a palm-sized amount of raw walnuts, steamed broccoli and some fresh berries.

Mid-morning meal around 10AM

Sliced turkey breast, an apple, raw kale and olive oil

Lunch at 1PM

Tossed mesclun greens salad with tomato, cucumber, strawberries, lime juice and olive oil drizzled on top, sliced avocado), grilled chicken breast and sliced pear

Mid afternoon meal around 4 PM

Leftover sliced steak, raw spinach & a tangerine

Dinner at 7PM

Grilled salmon, steamed bok choy, olive oil & lemon on top, grapes

Snack before bed

Herbal tea with a handful of fresh strawberries