Is Cellulose A Good Thing to Eat?

If you’re a termite, yes. What does this mean? Read on to learn more. If you’ve been reading labels and sticking to the rule of thumb that if you’re not sure what an item in the ingredient list is, you don’t eat it until you figure it out, you’re already a step ahead. But what […]

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Paleoista Bone Broth Pops to Beat the Heat!

If a piping hot cup of bone broth is not the first thing you or your family think of when it’s 80 degrees and rising outside, pop outside the box and try your hand at making a broth-sicle!  (Pop pun intended: )  Whether you’re more of a purist and prefer a more savory ice or […]

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Chicken or Beef: Which is the “Healthier” Protein?

How many times have you heard it? “Don’t eat too much red meat, it causes cancer”, or “Make sure not to have meat more than twice per week, in order to ensure you will not get too much saturated fat and risk heart disease” or whatever the recommendation may be. Indeed, the assumption often tends […]

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