Is Chewing Gum Paleo?

Remember ‘nothing in a wrapper’? Most types have so many additives, I wouldn’t recommend touching them with a ten foot pole.  Even if you’re not remotely Paleo, the mere fact that most chewing gums are little bursts of chemicals and don’t have any nutritional value, I can’t say there’s really any good reason to chew […]

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Did Cavemen Use Soap?

Hmmm.. probably not, but that doesn’t mean we should follow suit in this instance! We think about Paleo eating and Paleo moving, but how many of us think about Paleo bathing? In other words, are the products we use on our hair and bodies Paleo?   Given my penchant for a nice Decleor facial and […]

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Gluten-Free is Not a Punishment

I happened to glance at the cover of a magazine the other day when checking out at Whole Foods.  An entire magazine dedicated to gluten free living!  Initially, I thought it was fantastic, but then after seeing the titles of some of the articles, I realized that it could easily be interpreted that the positioning […]

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What’s Wrong With Jerky?

Nothing, in and of itself.     The concept makes a lot of sense; it’s a way to take a great source of protein, such as wild salmon or grass fed beef, cook it and make it far less perishable, thus allowing it to be transported without refrigeration and resulting in a viable protein option […]

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