Drink Up Those Probiotics and That Calcium

I don’t watch much TV.  As such, I don’t see many ads. Today, however, I was spinning the flight from yesterday out of my legs on a bike at the gym and, of course, the TVs were on. I saw an ad for a product which is supposed to ‘make you regular’ as well as […]

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Not Craving Anything…

And I do not have super human will power.  However, I  have been asked this very question on much more than one occasion. “Nell, what is your one cheat food?” or “Nell, how often do you go off the Paleo wagon?” and “Nell, what do you do when you have one of those sugar cravings?” […]

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Fish Sauce Substitute

We’ve cut out soy and all its derivatives, including soy sauce, so when a reader recently sent me an email asking for something to use in its proxy when preparing an Asian soup dish, he wondered if fish sauce might be a good option. Yes, there are soy free variations of fish sauce, but they […]

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Cured Meats- Aren’t They Paleo?

Salami, Prosciutto, Speck, Culatello, Coppa, Guanciale and Pancetta, just to name a few are delicious preparations of meat, indeed…but are they Paleo? I’m afraid not.   Because most are cured with salt and sometimes sugar, and sometimes additives like nitrates and nitrites, both of which are linked to cancers, by the way, they’re not considered a […]

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