Dying from Dye

A bowl of high-sugar, multi-colored grain pellets marketed as breakfast cereal, with a silly, cartoon rabbit on the package.  A dish of fluorescent orange macaroni and ‘cheese’ (although, many packaged brands don’t actually even have real cheese in the ingredients…) with the image of Spiderman on the box.  A chilled glass of Kool-Aid to provide ‘refreshment’ […]

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No Tamari, Please

It happened again today. I was dining at a Japanese restaurant with a friend, very much in the mood for sashimi, and I gave the usual briefing to the server- no gluten, so soy, no dairy. She assured me the items I’d selected would, indeed, be free of all of the above, (not too hard […]

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Why Restaurants Should Keep Their Bread. Pardon?

Oh, dear. A rally of support to keep the bread basket coming to the table as part and parcel of a typical dining experience, from a recent article in New York Serious Eats. Citing reasons such as “the key is everything in moderation”,  “bread can be part of a healthy diet” and, my favorite, “if you’re […]

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