Organic Avenue’s Coconut Mylk is The Real Deal

I love coconut.  Coconut oil, coconut butter, coconut water… and coconut milk.   The first three are relatively easy to come by, organically sourced, unrefined and overall a good option on all fronts.

But when it comes to coconut milk- the healthy choices are few and far between, unless you actually live in an area where you can pick your own coconut off a tree!

So when I randomly stopped into what I thought was just another juice bar and saw a product called Coconut Mylk, which contains 100% Organic Coconut Meat and 100% Organic Thai Coconut Water, I was thrilled!

Organic Avenue, you have made my day!

In addition to this deliciously Paleo product, they also offer a wide range of pressed juices, some of which would be great for after a long workout, and some other nut ‘mylks’, all of which are free from the junk you’ll see in nearly every other version, including the worst of all, canned coconut milk (nearly all brands have guar gum, other stabilizers and other unfavorable additives, none of which are Paleo).

Check out their website, check out their store when in NYC and you’ll be happy you did.