Fair Trade Flowers

Who doesn’t love a bouquet of flowers on the kitchen counter or on their bedside table? Not only pleasing to the eye, flowers can help improve one’s mood, boost memory function, help with relaxation and even increase energy! (1, 2) If you’re growing them in your garden, or better yet, if flowers that naturally live […]

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I Paid No Attention to What I Was Putting on My Biggest Organ…

Repost of a blog I wrote five years ago when I first learned about Beautycounter… only now that I have a child, my ‘why’ is even more important: I want him and his generation to know with certainty that what they’re using on their skin is safe. ————————————————————————————————————————- Sometimes we choose to remain ignorant. We […]

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Fighting Inflammation: Real Food First and a Bit of TCM

Inflammation. We are seeing this word everywhere these days and it’s about time. I’ve certainly been writing about it for some time now and having been an advocate of what I call a food-first approach, I’m often leery of the latest and greatest trends that come to market. But recently, I had the pleasure of […]

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