Top Five Faves for Glowing Summer Skin: Inside + Out!

Imagine going to the dermatologist seeking a remedy for less than picture perfect and being told solely to use a prescription cream as the solution. Not being asked about what you’re putting inside your body (what you’re eating) nor what you’re putting on it (what you’re providing to your skin as food!). Sadly, more often […]

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126 Chemicals Later

126. That’s the number of unique chemical ingredients that the average american puts on their body each morning in the average 9 personal care items used on a daily basis, according to the Environmental Working Group. None of which, by the way, have been tested to determine safety. Think I’m exaggerating? I wish. The FDA’s […]

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Transdermal Toxins: What is Your Skin Eating?

I’m horrified, although I shouldn’t be, given what I know about food. I just got home from a workshop all about ingredients of what goes into our lotions, our makeup, our sunscreens…even the baby wash and powder we put on our little ones. I proudly signed on to be part of Beautycounter’s mission just over […]

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