Are Antibiotics Paleo?

Nope.  Not remotely.  But that doesn’t mean there is not a time and place for them. While it’s no surprise that far too many people are given a prescription when it’s probably not necessary, such as when fighting a cold or flu, when I read about situations where parents opt not to give their children […]

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Foraging Pigs…Imagine That!

I’m always looking for blog topics- in the paper, in a magazine and simply by observing things and people around me. Often, I’ll tear something out of the Times and add it to my ‘topics to blog about’ list. I just came across one such article from January, entitled, Let Them Eat Acorns, about Farmer Joel […]

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Keeping the Kids Gluten and Dairy-Free During the Holidays

If you have children that are lactose intolerant (and if the kids are human, they are) or have Celiac disease, the need to be vigilant about not allowing dairy or gluten to pass their lips becomes significantly higher compared to kids who are Paleo because their parents simply want their diet to be healthier than […]

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