What About Olives?

If olive oil is Paleo, aren’t olives Paleo, too? Perhaps. Similar to yesterday’s bacon post, though, it depends on the source.  More often than not, the olive preparation does render it not Paleo friendly as they’re often packed in brine with lots of sodium and sometimes vinegar. However, if you do some research, you can […]

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A Cup of Dressing?

Have you ever noticed that when you order ‘dressing on the side’ at a restaurant, you’re often given about a cup full?  Well, maybe I’m exaggerating a little, but it’s almost always far more than you’d ever use (I hope). I don’t even like salad dressing most of the time, as I love the simple […]

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What Kind of Milk is OK on the Paleo Diet?

Unless you’re a couple of months old and are drinking milk from your mom of the same species, not really any ‘milks’ are Paleo. There are two exceptions: 1) If you make your own nut milk, and do not add anything to it, you could opt to make and drink that. Nearly all commercially sold […]

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Vitamins Before Flying? Do They Work and Are They Paleo?

On a flight this morning, the passenger next to me popped an ‘Airborne’ brand tablet.  Another person emptied a sachet of ‘Emergen-C’ brand powder into their water. Do they really do anything? And are either of those products Paleo? Well, no to the second question, hands down. Airborne contains sorbitol (remember this good old additive?  […]

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