Finding the Calm

This might seem a tad off topic from nutrition or optimal performance at first blush, but in actuality, how calm (or not) we are plays a large role not only in how our overall stress is, but how capable we are of digesting and assimilating our foods. Given the current challenge we’re faced with, one […]

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Wondering what to purchase when the stores are packed with panicking people, but completely devoid of packaged items on the shelves? In this time when so many are panicking, I believe we need more voices and thought leaders to help us all find our calm in the chaos. By no means am I downplaying the […]

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An Hour in the Kitchen… For Baby!

It’s not just about peas and carrots… or all fruit purees.   We’re talking veggies, organ meats, fermented foods and lots of good fats, too! When my second book, Paleoista, was published back in 2012, one of the most popular sections was the one in which I shared in detail about my easy to follow […]

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Racing Can Wait

In the summer of 2018 when I got pregnant, I’d already taken a temporary step back from endurance racing in order to spend more time building my business. I never stopped enjoying all that goes into training for Ironman and marathoning on a regular basis; rather, as an age group athlete, I simply got to […]

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