Are We Hand Sanitizing Ourselves to Sickness?

With September already half over, the kids are back to school by now and the fall routine has begun. Along with homework, extra curricular activities and going from soccer practice to piano lessons, the young ones are around lots of other people, often in close quarters and it just takes one child to start coughing […]

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Top Five Faves for Glowing Summer Skin: Inside + Out!

Imagine going to the dermatologist seeking a remedy for less than picture perfect and being told solely to use a prescription cream as the solution. Not being asked about what you’re putting inside your body (what you’re eating) nor what you’re putting on it (what you’re providing to your skin as food!). Sadly, more often […]

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Product Recommendation: Nordic Naturals

What supplements should I take?” is a very, very common question new clients and blog readers ask me. With half of Americans taking vitamins and supplements regularly, according to Gallup1, it’s no wonder we often don’t think twice before picking up yet another bottle of what we think of as being a safe, natural, healthy […]

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