Healthy Holiday Tip of the Day: Up Your Immunity

It’s never fun to feel sick, but when your plate is piled high with all the extra things on your holiday to-do list, the last thing you need is to allow yourself to get run-down. Rather than waiting until you actually catch a cold or the flu, why not be proactive with a food-first approach […]

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Dry Brushing: What is it and Do I Need It?

You eat your wild salmon and avocado, you’re mindful about what products you choose to wash your face with and you go to great lengths to not let yourself scorch in the sun. Is there anything else missing in your glowing skin routine? Maybe so; and it doesn’t include something else you should be eating […]

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1-2-3 Cook: Seared Wild Ahi Salad

Yes, you read that correctly- wild ahi, here in LA. I didn’t know you could find it here, either. Yet one more lesson learned simply by visiting our beautiful Santa Monica Farmer’s Market. Wild Local Seafood is just one of many local vendors that I now make frequent purchases from. Their fish are sustainable and delicious […]

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Eat Your Guts!

Thinking it sounds gross to eat guts? Well, if you’ve ever eaten sausage or hot dogs, chances are quite strong you’ve eaten them. Liver is rich source of iron, B-12 and vitamin A, which helps support healthy eyes and skin, boost your immune system and produce red blood cells (1).  It also provides choline, copper, folic acid, […]

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