Your Easter Table

What comes to mind when you think of a traditional Easter Holiday? Kids gathering candy during the Easter Egg Hunt, then running around on a sugar high? A table set with dishes included Baked Ham from a tin with pineapples baked in?   Asparagus laden with Hollandaise?  Lemon-scented Easter breads with frosting? For me, not […]

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Real Food, Healthy Gut, Optimal Health

“A diet full of highly processed foods with added sugars and salt promoted gut microbes linked to obesity, heart disease and diabetes” was the opening line in a recent piece in the New York Times (1). Seems pretty straightforward, doesn’t it? Then why is it that so many are still struggling with making the healthiest […]

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Making Cooking Fun

How do you feel when you’re in the kitchen? Does it feel like a chance to explore your creativity while simultaneously preparing a nourishing and delicious meal for yourself and your family? Or does it feel like a chore on the very same list as mopping the floor and cleaning the toilet? Prior to COVID, […]

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Shortcut Your Soup Prep with Broth

Shortcut your time in the kitchen by using a properly curated and prepared bone broth. Add a side of your favorite leafy greens and you’ve got the perfectly balanced meal: heavy on the veggies, a nice dose of good fat and a bit of properly sourced protein to boot. Bon Apetit. INGREDIENTS 3 pounds grass […]

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