A Giant, Fresh Fig…

Another cool find while grocery shopping… the biggest fig I've ever seen! A great source of Potassium and dietary fibre, they're also absolutely delicious in a salad- which is exactly what became of the one you see above! Shown above- tossed with arugula, roasted beets, lemon and tomato infused olive oil and a light dusting […]

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The Cherimoya

I do practice what I preach, and so when I suggest to clients that they 'try a new fruit and/or veg each week', it's based on something I do myself!  One of the many beauties of The Paleo Diet is that we can enjoy such a multitude of fresh fruits and veggies, one needn't ever […]

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Searing Steak Sans Smoke

Dear Nell,  How do you keep your house from filling with smoke when you sear meat?  I have to use my exhaust fan AND another fan to prevent smoking up the place! Thanks, Linda Linda,  Thanks for your inquiry!  Try the following suggestions:  Make sure you're using a very hot cast iron skillet (remember, for […]

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