Racing with Gratitude

The day before a race is always a special one, and in particular, the day before this race. From the moment I land on this beautiful island, I always feel as though I’m part of something bigger.   Whether that’s due to the welcoming energy of the Hawaiian culture or the raw, savage feel this […]

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Must Read: Big Food Uncovered in the NY Times

We all know the basics. We’re getting fatter and sicker as a nation and obesity and diabetes rates are skyrocketing. We’re barely eating real food  (about half the meals the typical American family eats are not prepared at home (1) and 74% of that packaged food or those take-out meals contains sugars (2)- both obvious and hidden. But somehow […]

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here. we. go, kona!

8 minutes until we board our flight to Kona and I’m happy, focused a little jittery but most of all, excited to see what the day brings. It’s been three years since the last time I had the opportunity to race on triathlon’s sacred grounds and the time away has allowed personal growth, revisiting the […]

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Musings on Stretching, Icing, Saunas…and Meditation!

I’ve written before about how it was only this past year that I began incorporating meditation into my daily routine. Well, there was something else I was very remiss until very recently, and I’m embarrassed to admit it, given the career path I’ve chosen. I wasn’t stretching. Hardly ever. I was barely foam rolling and […]

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