“Vacation Eating??”

I overheard a conversation at the gym the other day; one woman said to another, “I was so bad on vacation; now that I’ve returned, I’m back on my diet again.” What is that? That statement speaks volumes. Just the idea that one feels they need a break from how they eat indicates that how […]

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Nutritional Consultation

“What should I eat?” is probably the most common question my clients ask me when we begin nutritional counseling. With all of the diet books, ‘fat burning pills’, celebrity endorsed supplements and now even surgical weight loss procedures available, how can you know who is giving the best advice and what to believe? There is […]

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A Rainbow Colored Plate

The next time you sit down to a meal, have a look at your plate. What color(s) do you see? Is white the predominate shade of all your ‘food’? Does white pasta, rice, bread, flour and sugar make everyday appearances in your diet? If so, you’re missing out! Not only from a nutritional standpoint, but […]

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