Orthorexia: Obsession with Healthy Eating…Really?

Lo and behold, there is a new classification of eating disorders, “Orthorexia” which is defined as an obsession with healthy or righteous eating. According to an eating disorder site,  “it often begins with someone’s simple and genuine desire to live a healthy lifestyle. The person may choose to stop eating red meat, but eventually cuts […]

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Dietitians in the Grocery Store

How pleasing to see an article in the Times over the weekend that focused on having dietitians actually working for franchise grocery stores with the intention of helping shoppers learn to make better food choices. Some even offer programs where the participants pay a fee and get a shopping list with prep tips; these can […]

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How Much Does Inactivity Play a Role in Weight Gain?

It’s an age old question:  What’s more important, exercise or eating well?    Can one ‘get away’ with eating a poor quality diet if they exercise like a fiend to ‘make up for it’?  Perhaps some think they can, in terms of the number on the scale staying at a relatively consistent and ‘healthy’ one, […]

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Conversations at the Coffee Shop

The other day, while waiting in line to order an espresso at a certain local coffee establishment, I overhead the most interesting serious of commentary from two women standing in front of me in line, all of which had one thing or other to do with diet, nutrition or health. Before they approached the barista […]

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