Healthy Holiday Question of the Week: How Do I Keep Healthy While Staying in Someone Else’s Home During the Holidays?

Staying with friend or family during the holidays who are slightly less than understanding about your ‘crazy’ diet which excludes grain, dairy and sugar? It can be tricky, to say the least, to stand your ground when you’re in someone else’s house, especially if that house tends to be stocked with chips, cakes, cookies and […]

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Healthy Holiday Tip of the Week: Plan Your Jan Now!

Let’s be honest. Are you listening to that little angel on your shoulder telling you to keep on course with your exercise + mindful eating? Or, are you starting to tip the scales more in the other direction, towards that little devil, and finding yourself loosening up your commitment to the 6 am spin, as […]

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It’s Back: My Holiday Health Tip Series!

Over the years, I’ve written many a blog post about how to stay healthy and fit during the holidays, without depriving yourself of the enjoyment of the season. With Thanksgiving less than two weeks away, it’s official: the holidays are more than officially here! Beginning tomorrow, stay tuned for weekly healthy eating and exercise tips, […]

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