The Health Benefits of… Lard?

No, you haven't read the title incorrectly.


In response to the post I did the other day about how appalled I was when I found out about the atrocious new offering of a frozen DiGiorno Pizza that comes in the same box as Nestle's Chocolate Chip Cookies, one reader comments on  a phrase in the article which read: "The only thing this is missing is a side of lard dipping sauce", as in 'what else could you add to make it worse?'.


But is lard really that bad?


Actually, no!


Did you know:


The fat in lard is mostly monounsaturated, which is healthier than saturated fat.

That which is saturated fat in lard has a neutral effect on blood cholesterol.

Lard has a higher smoking point than other fats, allowing foods like chicken to absorb less grease when fried in it.

Fat in general has its upsides: it helps the body absorb nutrients, particularly calcium and vitamins.

Think about it; would you rather have a little bit of naturally occurring fat (as in, some marbled into that rare NY you're about to gnaw down to the bone at dinner) or some man-made junk (as in 'partially hydrogenated oils') which, in addition to creating an acidic pH in the body, also has the lovely attribute of prolonging shelf life of many processed goods.  So, guess what?  That tube of potato chips or package of pre-baked cookies that contain this toxin will look, taste and feel the same as it does right now in ten or twenty years' time.


Hmmm… let me think.


Right- I'll chose lard.


Not saying one should eat pure lard, of course, nor am I recommending it as your sole fat source.  Just keep it balanced- some lard, some olive oil, some macadamia oil, some avocado, some fish oil… you get the PALEO picture, don't you?