Use Up That Turkey!

Good morning, and happy Black Friday!

In order to get in a good day’s shopping, on the busiest day for it of the year, you’ll want to be sure and start off right with a nice balance of protein, veg and fat.

Feeling a little tired of roast turkey?

Whip up a batch of one of my fave uses for the leftover meat- curried turkey salad.

Combine dark and white meat, chopped coarsely, with olive oil, freshly ground pepper and a curry powder blend, to taste.  Throw in some slivered almonds and a few naturally dried cranberries, or fresh grapes, if available, and either stir with a fork, or whiz it all together in your mini prep if you prefer a more uniform consistency.

Served on a bed of fresh mixed greens, this tastes like anything but tired old leftovers and will give you the morning boost you need to power through those shops!

Now, go hit those sales!