Protein Brownies? Really?

Yesterday, after finishing an amazing brick workout which culminated with a treadmill run at the gym, I stopped by the juice bar to order a kale, banana, spinach, beet and ginger juice to enjoy on my way  home.   

Something funny caught my eye.

While I’m quite used to the typical supply of ‘energy bars’ I had to giggle when I saw a product labeled as a protein brownie.

It contained 11 grams of protein which may be higher than a typical brownie, but come on, it’s still a brownie!

When are we going to stop fooling ourselves this way?

If you want some protein, have some.  But choose wild salmon, grass fed beef or free range turkey.

Let’s not pretend that  baked items containing flour, whey, soy, butter and cream are  good options for after a workout, or anytime, for that matter!