Cedar Plank Salmon

A summer favorite you can do outdoors on the grill, or inside in the oven!

Cedar planks can be purchased at (you guessed it) Whole Foods or other grocery stores.

Be sure to soak the plank, submerged in water, for at least 2 hrs to avoid it charring once under the heat!

Choose a nice, wild fillet and either ask the fish monger to de bone for you, or do it yourself with a needle nose plier.

Season the flesh side with olive oil and your choice of fresh herbs (I love basil in the summer!) and fresh pepper.

Place fish, flesh side down onto the cedar plank.

Drizzle olive oil on the skin and place plank in a rimmed baking sheet.

Cook in a preheated oven @ 425F for 15 minutes.  (Check to ensure internal temp has reached 160F!)

While your fish is cooking, assemble a quick green salad, and steam up some broccoli.

Remove fish from oven, slice into individual servings, then plate on top of salad with broccoli arranged with it.
