How Do You Say “Lara Bar” in Dutch?

I’m not quite sure, but I don’t need to learn, now that I’ve found two good ‘in a pinch’ options for travel!  

I spent my first afternoon in Amsterdam wandering around all the shops along the canals,  throughout the museum district near our hotel and into Old Town, too.

I popped into a juice bar where I had a lovely green juice, made to order and a side of raw cashews.  It was there that I happened upon what appeared to be a Euro version of a Lara Bar, one of the few, commercially sold ‘bars’ I’d recommend having on hand for those situations where you’re stuck with no great options.

Pictured above, Raw Bite and Roo’Bar both have a short list of real food ingredients, all of which are Paleo friendly.  Double check the bars before buying, though, as I only saw a few of each varieties, and, just as with Lara Bars, there could quite possibly be a flavor or two with peanuts.   

As a reminder, the idea is not to chomp down bars of any description day in and day out; they’re still rather high in sugar, even if the sugar does come from fruit, and they’re still packaged and…they do not have any veggies!  However, they’re still good for situations such as being stuck in the office when your only other choice is microwave popcorn or vending machine candy bars.

OK, then!

A quick check on both labels showed that they did, in fact, contain only nuts and dried fruit and as such, I picked up a few for the road.

What a great find!  Who knows, they may come in handy on this very trip!