Brothing it Up for the Holidays

What’s your favorite way to get your broth on? While there’s no doubting the easiest way to drink your daily cup is simply to heat it on the stove top and sip away, who ever said that’s the only way to enjoy this healing panacea? One of my own personal faves is to heat my […]

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Is Gluten-Free Really Gluten-Free?

Do you follow a gluten-free diet? If so, you’re not alone. 3.1 million people across the United States follow a gluten-free diet and 72% of them are classified as “PWAGs” – people without celiac disease avoiding gluten (1). But what does that gluten-free diet actually look like and just how healthy is it? One way […]

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Nourishing Our Minds

With the recent wildfires occurring literally right out our doorstep in Southern California, it would be easy to slip into old patterns of a ‘what if’ mentality. One of the most important reasons I opted to learn to meditate a few years ago was to manage anxiety. I’m far from being an expert in this […]

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Sustainable Eating for Sustainable Health

Sustainable: able to be maintained at a certain rate or level. On the topic of sustainable eating, what comes to mind? Perhaps you think immediately of the impact on the planet of the foods we choose to eat?    Or possibly, what comes to mind is the type of eating regime that will be personally […]

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Flu Shot… or Prevention Through Food?

FIGHT A COLD + BUILD IMMUNITY Flu season is just around the corner; have you gotten your flu shot yet? After all, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), between 5% and 20% of the U.S. population comes down with the flu each year, and as many as 200,000 people are hospitalized […]

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What’s in Our Baby Food?

Oh, Baby! With my son’s 4 month birthday having come and gone, we’re learning what to look for as he will likely soon start displaying cues that introducing real food in addition to breast milk is just around the corner (1): Good head and neck control Ability to sit upright when supported Showing an interest […]

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You’re drinking bone broth each and every day and you’re being careful about what you eat. So do you really need to be downing those powdered collagen protein supplements? And what’s the difference between the two anyway? Let’s start with the definitions. Bone broth is actually a hybrid of broth and stock. The base is […]

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Why Am I So Tired?

You’re getting a good night’s rest, exercising regularly and being mindful about what you’re eating. So what is the deal with this fatigue, and is it just fatigue, or chronic fatigue? Low blood sugar from going too far with low-fat and counting calories or following an ‘unusual’ interpretation of a keto diet? Chronic Fatigue Syndrome […]

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“I suffer from IBS”. How many times have you heard this… or perhaps said it yourself? IBS affects between 25 and 45 million people in the United States. About 2 in 3 IBS sufferers are female. About 1 in 3 IBS sufferers are male. IBS affects people of all ages, even children (1). Years ago, […]

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