Eat Well on Vacation: Head to the Farmer’s Market

Aloha! Gosh, it’s good to be back on the islands. We missed the Wednesday market down on Ali’i Drive in Kona, but that doesn’t mean we’re totally out of luck. Restaurants from high end to hole in the wall offer freshly caught wild fish, organic island veggies and coconut from right outside the door. This […]

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Eat Your Guts!

Thinking it sounds gross to eat guts? Well, if you’ve ever eaten sausage or hot dogs, chances are quite strong you’ve eaten them. Liver is rich source of iron, B-12 and vitamin A, which helps support healthy eyes and skin, boost your immune system and produce red blood cells (1).  It also provides choline, copper, folic acid, […]

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1,2,3 Cook: Why Not Make it Easy?

When I first started following an authentic Paleo approach, back in 2004, it was a rare occasion when someone had any idea what I was talking about. The typical response was an odd expression on whomever’s face I happened to be speaking to and then sometimes, a comment about having to eat dinosaur meat. If […]

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Gut Health for Dogs: What Are You Feeding Him?

In humans, disease starts in the gut. This isn’t likely a new flash to you and chances are even if you haven’t delved much into the research proving this to be true, at the very least you’ve probably at least heard of phrases such as leaky gut, the gut microbiome and gut disbyosis. But did […]

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Do We Really Want to Eat Something Labeled Fake?

Pseudo. Or Faux. As in Fake. How much processing, refining and packaging can a food undergo before it’s no longer food? I’ve taken to referring to this category over the years as non food, or fake food, but of course, they’re not labeled as such. In fact, many have forgotton what food truly is, in […]

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Up and Running

Wow, has this been a journey! While I was completely expecting to go through ups and downs as I recovered from my foot injury, I wasn’t expecting it to be that tough and to learn as much as I have. Six years ago, when I tore my hamstring doing a set of one mile repeats […]

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Gluten Free by Default or Design?

What do you see when you look at this image? What do you think of? Perhaps fresh, healthy, balanced?  Colorful?  Organic?  Would you think automatically that this is an example of a gluten-free meal? Because it is. If you’re eating a breakfast at 11 am consisting of fresh spinach you’ve sautéed in garlic and coconut […]

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Not Sure? Toss It!

For years, one of the most fun and valuable exercises I do with clients is a kitchen clean out.  We go through the pantry, the cupboards, the fridge and the freezer and dump everything that’s not actually food. The next step, then, is to procure real, fresh, unadulterated produce, meat, fish and poultry from the […]

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