Paleoista Product Feature: 5 Bar Beef

Do you know where your meat is coming from? I mean, really, really know? This goes beyond just having a quick glance at a label at the health food shop that says ‘grass fed’… and then in small print, ‘grain finished’. As savvy as we as consumers are getting, there’s still a big margin for […]

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Veggies A-Z: B for Brussels Sprouts

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had the same experience when I tell guests I’ll be serving these cute little crucifers as part of a dinner I’m hosting, or suggest to a client that they incorporate them into their weekly eating regime. “Eew! I hate them!” or “My mom used to steam the […]

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Welcome to Veggies A- Z: Asparagus

From artichokes to zucchini (err- ok, that’s technically a fruit!) there are endless varieties of veggies for us to enjoy to make up the majority of the carbohydrate component of any healthy, balanced eating approach. Regardless of whether one follows a vegan regime, a Paleo inspired diet or even (gasp) adheres to the recommendations of […]

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Vegas in 24 for Breast Cancer

What are you doing to make a difference? Not just in your own life, but how are doing your part in being a part of something greater? I often write about topics particularly close to my heart: educating on the power of food as medicine, empowering people to take charge of their health based on […]

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Juicing: Is It Worth the Price Tag?

On the go? Grab a juice. No time to make breakfast? Grab a juice. Want to lose weight quickly? Grab a juice… and do a cleanse. Sounds healthy enough, right? Even more so now that we’re all much savvier about making sure our juice is made only with fresh, raw organic ingredients and nothing funny […]

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What’s The Best Recovery Drink?

You know I’m not going to recommend Gatorade, but perhaps you’re thinking a more technically advanced drink, such as an expensive brand with that perfect 4:1 ratio of carbohydrate to protein. Or maybe you’re thinking chocolate milk, as per an article published by Runner’s World[1]? Or better yet, going the natural route with a nice, […]

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Join Me for a Talk on Fit, but Fat!

Athletes, are you wondering how you can toe the line at the first race of your 2016 season looking as lean as you’ve always wanted? Weekend warriors, how about addressing how much you can really ‘get away with’ in terms of making the most of your exercise regime and balancing it out with mindful eating? […]

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Eat / Run /Yoga in Tulum

Tulum: destination to view the ancient Mayan ruins, right? Yes, but that’s not all…not by a long shot. As if I needed any more reason to fall in love with Mexico (I didn’t), after a recent four-day getaway to Tulum with my husband, I’ve become even more enraptured. We arrived late Wednesday afternoon in Cancun […]

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