Feeling Connected at the Farmer’s Market

I love days like today.
I made it a priority to juggle workouts, meetings, dog care and everything else that goes on in my world (and that of any self-employed person, woman or man) to go to my favorite farmer’s market.
I don’t go each and every Wednesday, although doing so is one of my top goals at the moment and yes, I do continue to shop at Whole Foods; it remains to be a great resource where one can procure organic local produce, grass fed meat and wild fish.
Certainly, you can also find a vast array of other foods which are far from that (food) but for a Type-A gal like me, having an organized schedule and doing a weekly shop a certain day of the week goes a long way.
At any rate, however, there is truly nothing like a shop at the farmer’s market.
No agenda, no recipes, no plan other than seeing what I find and build my meals to come around it.
With shoulders weighed down carrying enough bounty to make me feel like quite the packhorse, I came home with some of my usual staples- wild caught salmon, pasture fed pork (perfect for the dinner party I’m hosting the day after tomorrow), kale, lettuces, Meyer lemon back in season now, avocados… just to name a few!
Some of the new and interesting things included a beef heart for Preston’s second birthday tomorrow, purple Brussels sprouts, Puntarello (a chicory variety) and broccolette flowers.
But I took away more than amazing food.
I always leave with a feeling of purpose and connection there.
Whether it’s speaking to people who are doing what they love, helping the planet, supporting organic farming and humane means to care for animals, or simply procuring bounty which will allow me to do my favorite thing in the world: cook, or a combination of all of the above, I don’t know.
It’s being part of something greater.
And this leads me to my question to you.
My dear readers, what I can bring to you so you feel more connected to me?
More recipes? More me? More health? More science? More on women entrepreneurs? More on how you can create your dream business in Beautycounter?
Tell me!
Cooking, recipes my books, my blogs, my Beautycounter – they’re all part of this collective, comprehensive platform which I created with one intention; to educate, which I feel leads to empowerment.
I’m open, I’m honest and at the end of the day, I want to provide a service and resource for you.
So… bring it on: tell me what you’d like more of, less of and let’s collaborate!
Let’s all invoke this feeling of being a part of something greater which, in actuality, we already truly are.