How To Eat Your Greens

Yes, i recognize that I'm a bit of a extremist, when it comes to kale, chard or most any other green; it's not the least bit uncommon to find me snacking away on a bunch of leaves at any given time (except during training!).  Rinse them, spin them dry and take them to go with you in a safe plastic container or wrapped up in some turkey…


Not so much?

OK- I get it…

Following are three easy ways to prep your greens, none of which are time consuming, and all of which are PALEO and TASTY!

  • STEAM – enough said.  A quick steam leaves some of the tougher to digest raw (like broccoli) veggies ready to eat as is, or drizzled with lemon and olive oil.
  • STIR FRY- GREAT for ALL cabbages in particular.  Slice leaves thinly and give a quick stir fry in olive oil & garlic and perhaps some fresh ginger.
  • SAUTE – excellent for leaves!  Throw them in with some garlic, shallots, olive oil and mushrooms- add some red pepper flakes for a little heat. 

Of course, you can also braise BUT cooking for prolonged periods of times really zaps much of the nutrients, so this method is NOT my personal fave…Rather, i prefer to throw the leaves on top, right before serving!  If I've done BIson Stew, for example, I throw some raw spinach in each bowl as I plate, and it wilts so quickly, it's already cooked by the time it reaches the table!