Veggie Overload In The Fridge?

Have you gone just a little overboard in your zeal with veggie prep?  Don't worry- I do it all the time!

If you find your fridge loaded down with five cups of steamed broccoli, a dish of roasted root veggies, 3 plates of sauteed spinach and a heaping dish of asparagus – all to yourself- and are worried about letting all that lovely food go to waste because you can't get through it quickly enough…

Think SOUP!   

Pureeing your veggies into a soup is one of the easiest ways to re-invent a dish (or dishes) you've made too much of, and can save for use later in the freezer.

Mix and match a any combination of leftover veggies you have, add some homemade chicken broth, perhaps a little of the good old staples of olive oil and garlic, and throw them into the blender.  Whiz until smooth, heat a batch up to enjoy now (or eat it cold as a refreshing summer lunch) and save the rest in the freezer for when you're no longer tired of eating the same veggies you may have been eating for the past few days.

  (DON'T blend the veggies hot- doing so can overwhelm certain makes of blenders, causing an unexpected explosion of veggies all over the kitchen!)