Top 20 Bone Broth FAQs

Who ever said bone broth had to be boring? Using it as a base to create a soup is just one of many ways to get your broth on.
Over the past eight months since the very beginning of our beta-launch in the local farmer’s markets, some great questions have been received about how, when and why to include bone broth made with mindfully sourced ingredients to one’s eating protocol.
Below are the top twenty. If you’ve got more questions, keep them coming!
Why is bone broth good for me?
An ancient panacea that’s trending right now, bone broth offers an arsenal of health benefits including treating leaky gut syndrome, addressing food intolerances and allergies, improving joint health, boosting the immune system and anti aging solutions not just for our skin but our body as a whole (1).
What is leaky gut?
Also known as increased intestinal permeability, this is a digestive condition in which bacteria and toxins are able to “leak” through the intestinal wall. Unfortunately, the Standard American Diet (“SAD”) has played a key role in what is projected to be 80% of Americans having some degree of gut dysfunction, and often, symptoms are severe before one knows it! A diet rich in SAD foods can contribute to gut dysbiosis or “leaky gut” which can lead to autoimmune disorders and other ailments such as chronic fatigue, inflammatory bowel disease, rashes, diabetes, mental disorders, and other health related problems. To add insult to injury, the modernized human being has typically had their fair share of gut damaging antibiotics and prescription drugs which only serve to further throw off the intricate balance in one’s digestive tract (2).
What is the gut brain axis?
The gut-brain axis (GBA) consists of bidirectional communication between the central and the enteric nervous system, linking emotional and cognitive centers of the brain with peripheral intestinal functions. Recent advances in research have described the importance of gut microbiota in influencing these interactions (3). In the very most basic lay terms, what we eat has a very significant and direct correlation not only with how we physically feel, but how we function on an emotional level.
What is the gut microbiome?
Your gut microbiome is made up of trillions of bacteria, fungi and other microbes. The gut microbiome plays a very important role in your health by helping control digestion and benefiting your immune system and many other aspects of health (4).
Some of the other broths I’ve tired are a different texture, much more liquid. Why is does yours look thick in the jars?
Bone broth is essentially stock, not broth. The confusion comes from the traditional definition for stock, which is more viscous due to the collagen that seeps out of joints and bones during long-term cooking, and broth, which is thinner and is made with more actual meat versus meat-stripped bones used for stock (5). You’ll want this thickness as this is where all the goodness lies!
How do I take it?
Bone broth is versatile. You can sip it hot, just as it is. Use it as a base for a recipe, such as adding veggies and sliced pastured fed chicken or beef in order to make a heartier soup. Use the chicken broth cold as a liquid base for a smoothie, perfect for kids who are picky eaters; sneak in some spinach, add some avocado for a thick consistency and a handful of frozen blueberries. Try my serving suggestion of the bacon latte and add a shot of espresso to heated broth in your blender. Use it as a marinade. Freeze it in ice-cube trays to have portioned broth on hand for use in cooking. And these ideas are just the tip of the iceberg!
How long does it last?
Our broths have been certified by Food Microbiological Labs to last for 60 days in the refrigerator prior to opening. Once opened, broths should be consumed within 3 -4 days, always kept refrigerated.
How much should I drink every day?
8 – 12 ounces per day is an ideal amount.
Is it gluten free?
Is it safe for those with auto immune or thyroid issues?
Not only it is safe, it’s helpful in healing a leaky gut, which is where many, if not all, modern day dis ease, including auto immune and thyroid dysfunction stems from.
Is it organic?
Yes, 100%
Where do the bones come from?
Every ingredient is sourced locally from mindful providers: farmers who feed and finish their cattle 100% on grass, raise pigs, poultry and lamb on pasture and have humane farming and protecting the environment as their top priority. At present, while the broth is being made and sold locally in downtown LA, our sources are as follows:
APRICOT LANE (Pork, Chicken, Lamb, Lemongrass)
AUTONOMY (Beef, Chicken Feet)
LA FUNGHI (Mushrooms)
Is there a vegan option?
No. While one can certainly make a tasty broth without using animal ingredients, the broth is a completely different product than bone broth. The essential reason to drink bone broth from a gut health perspective is that the collagen, keratin and amino acids play a crucial role in reducing inflammation, thereby addressing and helping to heal leaky gut, which is the core cause of many modern day illnesses created by eating food which is no longer food, but an industrial commodity. A vegan broth by default cannot contain these healing compounds sourced from animal bones. Some plant products are recommended to help promote collagen production by the body, such as seaweed, celery, kale, beets, spinach and olive oil; in addition, including healthy fats and Vitamin C will support your body’s production of collagen.
Can I freeze it?
Yes, but be sure to transfer into a freezer- safe container. The glass jars are not tempered and non-tempered glass contains microscopic air bubbles that expand and contract as the glass is heated and cooled, especially at extreme temperatures like during canning and freezing. When those little air bubbles expand, they cause the glass to crack or even explode.
Can I microwave it?
The recommended method of heating is on the stove top over low but if microwaving is your only option, be sure to transfer the broth into a container marked microwave safe. And don’t stand in front of the microwave while you’re heating it!
Is the chicken you use free-range?
Far better and humane, the chicken is pasture raised. Sadly, free-range means, “Producers must demonstrate to the Agency that the poultry has been allowed access to the outside” per the USDA website and that access can be as little as 15 minutes in a 24 hour period (6).
What does grass-finished mean?
Grass-finished beef cattle remain on a pasture and forage diet their entire lives, as opposed to cattle which is initially raised on grass, then given a new diet including grain. Grass-fed beef is far healthier for the cattle themselves, the environment and for us consumers.
Is there any sugar in it?
I’m pregnant. Is it safe for my baby if I drink it?
Not only is it safe, it’s an excellent thing for both you and the baby to add as a regular part of your regime (even prior to conceiving, for that matter!). Amongst its many health benefits, bone broth is high in the amino acid glycine which is required for placental growth, helps the developing fetus absorb protein, and protects mom and fetus from toxins and stress. Contains calcium, magnesium and phosphorus which help with growth and maintenance of baby’s bones and can be a soothing option to combat morning sickness and subsequent dehydration.
When is the best time to drink it?
Any time! Since it’s all food and does not contain any stimulants or adaptogens, there’s no wrong time to drink it. Some customers have enjoyed my serving suggestion to have the pasture fed pork and bacon bone broth with a shot of espresso and blended into a latte, while other’s love a hot cuppa chicken with ginger, turmeric and a splash of fresh coconut milk as a pre-bedtime ritual.