Holiday Tip of The Day: Take Time with Friends

It’s so easy to get caught up with obligations at this time of year; attending that office party we don’t really want to go to or hosing a dinner for some not so enjoyable family members that we feel we are expected to.

And it’s not just the things that feel like chores; even the fun stuff can add up to an end result of too much stress.

I thought about this a lot this morning when I took some time out to head out on my bike with some friends.  No certain wattage to hit, no speed goals, just a fun, conversational ride chatting about whatever came up.

It was a beautiful, crisp December morning in the Santa Monica Mountains and on such a day, it’s not too hard to stop and smell the roses, check in and really appreciate the small things that are so easily overlooked during all the hustle and bustle.

Take time for you, take time with dear friends or loved ones and feed your mind and soul just as healthfully as you nourish your belly with all your lovely Paleo foods.
