And Then, There’s Still The Antiquated Recommendations…

    Last Tuesday's USA Triathlon e-digest had an article about 'great' foods to eat for recovery including the following, with my Paleo 'fine-tooth editing comb' highlights of the non Paleo suggestions, in red:

  • "4 slices (3-4 ounces) of turkey breast on a slice or two of multigrain bread (mayo is OK, but don't overdo it) and a huge handful of greens. Add a side salad or ½ cup of sugar snap peas to create a basic meal.
  • If early in the morning, a great post-exercise meal is 3 eggs (2 whites + 1 whole egg) scrambled with spinach (1 cup) and you can also add an ounce of cheese and some spices. Then put that all into a whole wheat wrap and voila – breakfast!
  • A protein smoothie is also a great alternative that works well. Just blend 1 cup of frozen berries or other fruit like mangos or peaches with a 6-ounce cup of plain yogurt, a tbsp of almond or peanut butter and ½ cup water or milk. If you want more protein, add a tablespoon or two of cottage cheese, or tofu. If you can handle it, throw in a handful of greens for more a powerful kick – that includes parsley, lettuce, spinach or those broccoli stalks."

If you recall, it was USA Triathlon, for whom I was doing monthly articles about Paleo, that told me back in February that they were advised by their higher ups to NOT include Paleo information… wonder what their motivation is?  Couldn't have anything to do with the USDA or Dairy board, I'm sure…

Here it is…