A Labor Day Paleo Picnic

A nice way to finish off the three day holiday weekend with the family is to have a Labor Day Picnic.  Whether you’re in Cape Cod and can head out to the beach, or live in an area where a grassy meadow is the venue, it’s easy to create a completely Paleo picnic as the last meal before summer’s officially over.

No need to rely on sandwiches, processed snack packs or pasta salads from the deli- all of which are easy to get, and often inexpensive, but not Paleo and simply not healthy choices.

Below are just a handful of ideas to take along on your picnic that the whole family can enjoy:

• Grass fed red meats or free range poultry are easy protein options, either grilled on their own, or cubed and skewered with your vegetables such as onion, bell peppers and zucchini.

• Reinvent your leftovers, too; extra flank steak on top of a bed of Mache lettuce with avocado, strawberries and cashews makes nice, light option or take the leftover chicken, dice it, add some chopped celery, apple & red onion, raisins, curry powder, olive oil, and enjoy a Paleo chicken salad atop a bed of steamed broccoli

• Crudités and guacamole make a delicious replacement for chips and dip.

• Cole Slaw. There’s no reason why you can’t make a paleo version of this picnic staple. Skip the vinegar-laden mayo and replace it with a healthy combination of lemon juice and olive oil. Combine finely shredded green cabbage with chopped scallions, shredded carrot, one small diced apple, olive oil and/or flaxseed oil, lemon juice, your favorite fresh herbs and freshly ground pepper in a large, flat bowl, refrigerate and stir occasionally over the next 24 hours. Add some slivered, toasted almonds and garnish with whichever herbs you used in the salad. Serve cold, with your bison burgers in lettuce wraps, and a side of fresh, grilled pineapple.

• Grill peaches and pineapple ahead of time and cool. Those, along with frozen grapes, offer a naturally sweet finish to the meal.

Make sure to include some type of physical activity, too; a hike, a game of frisbee or just walking around the lake.  It doesn’t matter what you do, as long as you do something!

Have a safe, relaxing holiday!