Finding Paleo Wherever You Are

Yesterday, amidst the pizza places, the McDonald’s and the little French cafes selling baguettes, my husband and I popped into a casual little eatery to grab a quick lunch.

Simple usually proves to work quite well for Paleo, and it did again yesterday!

After a long morning run including a jaunt through Central Park, by the time we got back to Chelsea two and a half hours later, we were a bit hungry.

As is so easy to do in New York, we had a quick turnaround and set out to wander about, but the first things first- lunch was the prioroty.

We stumbled upon a small cafe that offered several steamed veggie options, several clean & lean bunless burger options including bison, turkey and chicken (all meat and no fillers), organic ketchup (for said burgers, if you’re so inclined) with no sugar at all, let alone high fructose corn syrup and three different wild lettuce options.  In addition, I was able to add fresh tomato, avocado, sliced onion and carrots.

Here, in the middle of the melting pot that is New York!

Not that I’m surprised.  You can find Paleo options anywhere. Just look a little and don’t take the easy way out and think that going out of town or on a trip has to mean making poor eating choices.  If you’re doing that, something needs to be looked at in order to figure out why you want to stray in the first place.

In the mean time, pass the wild bison burger!