More on This Silly Apple Saga

A while ago, I did a post on how frustrating it was to have to choose between apples that are organic but not local versus apples that are local versus not organic.

Over the last month, I’ve not seen any local apples at the Whole Foods I shop at, organic or not, but have seen plenty from Chili, New Zealand and Fiji.

Here I am in Whistler, BC for the ironman this weekend, and guess what I found at the market?  USA grown, organic golden as well as red delicious apples, nestled amongst the local BC apples.

What the…?

So we have organic, would-be local, seasonal fruit being grown in California, but it’s getting sent to Canada and then, we are importing apples from thousands of miles away instead?

And, by the way, the price is not too different from when the local apples are in Whole Foods in the first place?

Yikes!  It’s like being in the produce version of Waiting for Godot!  Talk about confusing…