Exotic’ Veg & Fruit

What constitutes 'exotic' when it comes to food? Could be as simple as a veg you've not seen or heard of before.

(Incidentally, after watching 'Food, Inc.', I was extremely saddened to see how many kids didn't know what broccoli was, but that's another blog topic all on its own!)

Where to buy these unusual foodstuffs?

Loads of options here- your local farmer's markets, health food shops and online suppliers are but a few of the many sources available at our fingertips as vehicles to taste test veg that will bring something new to the table, the fridge and the lunchbox.

Have a little fun- choose a regional cuisine that you'd like to learn more about, see what's available to you that would fit that style of cooking and make it a theme dinner.   It's not the least bit difficult to modify recipes to get them to fit into the guidelines of what to eat and not to eat on the #PaleoDiet.

One of my faves that I've tried for the first time over the past year include Japanese Blue Sweet Potatoes (for those of you who read my blog regularly, you'll remember my posts from Hawaii; my husband and I LOVED these as part of our pre Ironman fuel).

Once again, another example of the endless possibilities of tasty Paleo foods we can enjoy!