Grilling It Up For The 4th

Let me start by preempting any commentary about grilling being a carcinogenic cooking method; for the purposes of this blog- it's a simple method of cooking outside for the holiday weekend with friends and family.  If you grill your food once in a while, I hardly feel that that, in and of itself is going to make you ill.

Moving along then…

In honour of the holiday weekend, I had a suggestion to feature a few recipes over the next few days that readers might want to utilize for their 4th of July Holiday weekend.


By nature, grilling meat over fire is such a basic, Paleo thing to do…but so many of the accoutrement's that we've grown accustomed to at a barbecue are so… NOT!

Coleslaw, hot dogs, buns, ambrosia (Yikes!  Who invented that?), potato and pasta salads… no thank you!

How about grilled chicken and steak, bell peppers, squash and onion, peaches and pineapple… all delicious, tasty, healthy and PALEO!

I invite readers to post commentary to this blog and let me know which holiday recipe you need help converting to Paleo!