Asymmetries, Imbalances and Keeping Your Body Healthy While Hobbling Around in a Boot

What if you don’t know what to ask?

From the moment I was ‘fitted’ for the boot I have to wear while my heel heals (say that five times fast!), I have been given the opportunity to have a glimpse into the understanding of what it feels like to be a patient.

And I am not someone who is patient to begin with!

The overweight nurse at the podiatry office (I mention her weight only as an illustration of the state of our healthcare system) pulled a boot out of the cabinet, strapped it on my foot, gave me a plastic bag full of pads and suggested I use them ‘if I need them’ and sent me on my way.

The doctor was with another patient at the time, so I hobbled out the door, took the boot off and went to an event I was hosting.

It took me until the end of the day until I was at home to put it on again.

Walking back and forth across our kitchen was all well and good, but what the heck was I supposed to do if I wanted to be out and about?

I knew I’d need to pull back from training but what about going to work, seeing clients, teaching?

I called into the doctor’s office the next day and was told that tweaks and twinges would indeed be likely to occur and would I like the name of a good chiropractor?

No thanks.

Nothing against chiropractors; in fact, I have seen a couple of very good ones, but I’d prefer not to get my body into the state where I need to see one in the first place.

A call into my physical therapist proved far more beneficial; I was able to go in, have an assessment of just how much difference there would be in my legs with the hefty boot on, and then have a few cork insoles cut to size to fit into whichever various shoe I might be wearing on my right foot.

That, plus a slew of extra stretches to incorporate, a proper deep water running lesson and a little bit of ultrasound and stim on both calves for good measure were far more in line with my way of thinking in terms of keeping my body fluid and mobile while, at the same time, lugging around the lovely, stylist boot.

But what if someone isn’t an athlete? Or may they are, but they don’t know their body and they’re no told that preventative measures can be taken to prevent additional injuries from occurring?

We see examples of this all around us. The person who is told zero activity due to a minor injury, who ends up sitting even more and developing low back issues. Or the person with plantar fasciitis who is told step one is to get orthotics without first addressing running surfaces, shoes and gait, who then ends up with a two year recovery rather than a six week one?

It’s no different from what we are not told about how what we eat factors into our overall health, or lack thereof.

You don’t know what to ask if you don’t know what to ask.

So what do we do? We learn, we share and we can then educate and empower. Write a blog. Listen to, then recommend a podcast (there are so many intelligent, highly educated people providing us a wealth of information…. for free, if we just take the time to listen!).

Approach your body as a system of intricate wiring, beautiful connectivity and don’t leave anything out- it all counts. Food. Movement. Rest and recovery as well as how we channel our emotions.

Sound like too much work?

Once you consider what’s at stake (the ability to move freely, and thrive), it suddenly doesn’t seem all that time consuming after all.

Let’s think back to one stat I refer to quite often: the average American spends 5.4 hours per day watching TV, according to Nelson (1).

How about if we reallocated just a fraction of that to buying fresh, local food, preparing it with our loved ones and even spending fifteen minutes / day learning something new?

And I will be candid and share that this is not just a suggestion to you, it’s a reminder to me.

While I’m dialed in with my food, cooking and how I like to eat to support optimal living, I, too need a reminder to slow the heck down and take time to continue to learn.

Then, if and when I come across a client, blog reader or friend who wants to know how to handle being sidelined for a bit, I can share.

What have you learned from injury?

How did you prevent secondary issues from occurring?

Engagement always welcome!
