Today’s Healthy Holiday Tip

Focus on the true spirit of Christmas- and the act of giving!  Not just material things, but more meaningful gifts; meaningful to others and to you.

-Give your co-worker a gift certificate for that yoga studio around the corner and plan to attend a class together in the New Year.  

-Give your spouse a home-made 'voucher' for a gourmet meal that you'll cook at home that will be not only tasty but healthy!  

-Donate your time to your kids school and give the gift of education- speak to teachers & moms about how you've adopted healthy eating & fitness habits.  You needn't be an expert for this- sharing ways that you've found to incorporate healthy into your busy day would be appreciated from one busy person to another, not just if one of those people happens to be a nutritionist!

The more you spread the word and get people around you on board, that more likely you'll stay on track as well.. and what a gift to know you've  helped others as well!