Another Fun Day at the Races

Perfect race conditions.  

Despite a prediction for a mega heat wave that was certainly in effect yesterday in LA, the race began today just before 7 and temps felt significantly lower than yesterday, although, being a fan of racing in hot, humid Kona, I wouldn’t have minded if it had been even warmer.

I’d had my typical pre-race smoothie at home, along with an espresso, then headed up to Dodger Stadium around 5:15. Another nice feature of LA Living- no travel necessary for this particular event!

Inspiration is everywhere:

It’s always a treat to start right behind the professional men and women; athletes with lithe bodies and correspondingly beautiful running gates; those who finish around the ballpark of 2:10 and 2:30, respectively.

In addition, the Legacy Runners at this race, a group of runners who have completed every single ASICS LA Marathon since the first race in 1986 and strive to continue their streak, are always inspiring to watch as their dedication to a lifetime of fitness sets an outstanding example for all of us, as do the challenged athletes as well as the Students Run LA group.

And overall, the simple fact that 26,000 of us came together to share in an event that, in my opinion, is one of the two most natural forms of movement (the other being walking) to bipeds.

Moving, eating real food (or as we know it, Paleo food) is the recipe for a long healthy life and the single most important factor I was able to transition from a rather average age group athlete to competitive runner.

And while I still didn’t achieve my goal of breaking three hours today, I gave it all I had on this particular day and continue to feel inspired, happy to be a part of this running community and incredibly grateful to be able to engage a the sport I love the most: running.