Drink Up Those Probiotics and That Calcium

I don’t watch much TV.  As such, I don’t see many ads.

Today, however, I was spinning the flight from yesterday out of my legs on a bike at the gym and, of course, the TVs were on.

I saw an ad for a product which is supposed to ‘make you regular’ as well as supply your body with probiotics.  The women in the ad joked about how they’d come to believe that begin irregular was regular and had grown used to the subsequent discomfort associated with it.  At the end of the ad, they all drank the beverage and concluded happily that now that they are regular, they will drink this thing every day.

No need to worry about the fact that you’re also getting sugar, whey protein concentrate, modified cornstarch and corn starch, gelatin, malic acid and sodium citrate, or  aspartame to replace sugar in the sugar free variety.

There is actually an entire website devoted to listing all the side effects of this product; following is a partial list of some of the culprits and resulting effects:

  • Cultured Grade A Reduced Fat Milk – very common allergen
  • Red Wheat Bran – very common allergen
  • Carmine (For Color) – “natural” red dye”
  • Natural Flavor – Who knows? FDA won’t tell us.
  • Inulin & Fructose – Difficult To Absorb
  • Sodium Citrate -preservative and flavor additive
  • Sugar
  • Rolled Oats
  • Corn Starch
  • Rolled Wheat Flake
  • Modified Corn Starch

They forgot to mention the long term consequences on bone health resulting from long term dairy ingestion.

How about this:

Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits to get plenty of fiber, avoid all the processed foods that harm the GI tract like grains, dairy and legumes and then be regular without side effects?

It’s not too hard…