Eating For Taper Week

With LA Marathon a mere 8 days away, and it being an A Race for me, training volume will be lower than normal this week, with extra rest, an extra massage and special attention allocated to more visualization and mental prep.

How about food? How does one properly prep for an endurance event, while decreasing training to get ready for the race, and maintain the proper balance of sufficient food but not TOO MUCH food which could potentially lead to a bit of excess weight gain?

Let your body guide you.  Keep all your meals balanced and Paleo and, since training volume is so low, you can cut down or omit the sole starch that we as endurance athletes eat to prep and recover from training and racing- yams.  EXCEPT when the race is just around the corner.

I'll typically add small amounts of yam to my meals for two to three days prior to the race.  Studies have shown that prepping your body in this manner is far superior to old school methods including the ubiquitous 'pre-race pasta party', during which all too many athletes gorge with spaghetti, go to bed stuffed beyond capacity and end up with GI distress in the race!

My coach always orders a rest day two days prior to the race, and the day before, it's a short w/o with some pick ups and then…. feet up, hydrate, relax and visualize.

Nothing new before the race- hopefully by the time one's key race(s) approach, everything is dialed in and at that point- the day will unfold as planned.

Fire in the belly- bring it on! : )