Aluminum in My Armpits: What’s the Big Deal?

No one likes to the feel of sweaty armpits during day to day activities. It’s one thing to intentionally work up a sweat during a workout, but wetness in the underarms and the damp circles on clothing that go along with it is hardly a desirable sensation. Which is why it makes perfect sense that […]

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Choosing Paleo for Breast Cancer Prevention

October is breast cancer awareness month. Based on current incidence rates, 12.9% of women born in the United States today will develop breast cancer at some time during their lives (1). Genetics play a role; BRCA1 and BRCA2 are the most common cause of hereditary breast cancer is an inherited mutation in the BRCA1 or […]

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Fair Trade Flowers

Who doesn’t love a bouquet of flowers on the kitchen counter or on their bedside table? Not only pleasing to the eye, flowers can help improve one’s mood, boost memory function, help with relaxation and even increase energy! (1, 2) If you’re growing them in your garden, or better yet, if flowers that naturally live […]

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My 47th birthday is approaching and I’ve already begun celebrating. Celebrating where I am and appreciating more than words can express, the clarity I feel in my life about where I’m going and also, why the paths chosen and decisions made were exactly as they meant to be. I did not, at age 21, anticipate […]

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Healthy Eating for Back to School

Hard to believe it’s back to school time already; as of April 30, 87% of California’s public schools (not including charter schools) were offering some form of in-person instruction (1). What will the school year bring in terms of what our children are eating when they’re back in the classroom? Prior to Covid, more than […]

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Fermented Food for Everyone?

Kim chi.   Kombucha.   Sauerkraut.  Kefir.   Yogurt.  Cheese? Sound delicious? All of the above are not only tasty ways to jazz up your meal and add a robust flavor, they’re also a great way to get a gut health boost,  by introducing a means of altering the trillions of bacteria, virus and fungi […]

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“I feel so ADD!” If you’ve ever had a moment of feeling distracted or unclear, it wouldn’t be surprising if you’d uttered that phrase before. It’s become an adage, but both ADD, or rather, ADHD, the official, medical term for the condition — regardless of whether a patient demonstrates symptoms of hyperactivity. (ADD is a […]

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