What Do You Give A Group of Senior Hikers?

Apparently, you offer them plates of pastries.


Not kidding, yet I wish I were.

A devoted blog reader, who is about to embark on a hike of 230 miles of the Pacific Coast Trail, shared this email with me the other day:

“I give a talk about hiking the Pacific Crest Trail, and wherever I go they have snacks for the participants.  The most recent venue, a senior center, had fruit plate but this is the most common form of sustenance:  pastries of all sorts. I think they are trying to kill off the old people sooner.”

Think.  Pastries?  Really?  Is that really a good form of nutrition and sustenance when one’s about to ask their body to perform?   Even if someone’s not Paleo, come on, now!

He went on to mention some of the foods he’d be bringing along with him on his journey, all of which are Paleo friendly:  “It’s tough to be Paleo on the trail but I have macadamias, homemade jerky and Lara bars to fill the bill.”

There’s never a good reason to not at least try to make it work!