Memorial Day BBQ

What to make?  

If you’re Paleo, it’s hardly going to be Oscar Meyer Hotdogs on buns with baked beans and macaroni salad! 

The good news is that since many people traditionally center a Memorial Day party around the barbeque, keeping it Paleo is a cinch.

With tomorrow being the end of the three day weekend during which many of us have the day off and plan to attend parties, today’s the day to do your grocery shop, if you haven’t already and get ready for your event.

  • Grass fed red meats or free range poultry are easy protein options, either grilled on their own, or cubed and skewered with your vegetables such as onion, bell peppers and zucchini.
  • Want coleslaw? Check out my recipe  for the my ‘Asian Slaw’ in The Paleo Diet Cookbook which I collaborated on with Dr. Cordain in 2010.
  • Crudites and guacamole make a delicious replacement for chips and dip.
  • Grilled peaches and pineapple along with frozen grapes offer a naturally sweet finish to the meal.
  • If you’re serving drink, here’s a great time to offer the occasional soupcon of red wine; just make sure to keep the water flowing along with the vin!

Happy, Safe Memorial Day.